Monday, July 22, 2019

Virtual Field Trips

Virtual field trips allow children to experience the world in a cost effective way without ever leaving the classroom. Many students, especially in poorer cities, do not have the opportunity to vacation to exotic places around the world. Some have never even left their home state. Some lucky schools may have funding available for several field trips throughout the school year, but many are restricted to only one or two a year. Reading about far off places simply isn’t enough. Imaging these children being able to see the wall of China or the bottom of the ocean with the use of an iPad. Virtual field trip technology makes this very possible and is a great tool when it comes to building background knowledge in a fun and exciting way. Being little to no charge, there are endless opportunities available to show students different histories, cultures, and landscapes all around the globe. Virtual field trips can consist of picture presentations, interactive 3D walking adventures, or even guided video tours. There are even accessories available such as VR headsets compatible with virtual field trips and Google Goggles. There are also different options as to how you access the virtual trip. Several easy to use websites as well as applications available for virtual field trips that can either be displayed on a big screen for the entire class or viewed on a smaller device for a more personal experience. The following pictures show how both options look within the classroom. It is up to the teacher to decide which method would be more beneficial to their students learning needs.
I have learned that virtual field trips are an easy way to get students excited about learning and can take them on an experience of a lifetime. There is now no excuse for our children not being able to experience the world around them. I have also learned that virtual field trips can be used across different disciplines. One trip to an unknown city could easily incorporate art, music, history, culture, literature, and much more! Below is a video of a virtual field trip to Washington D.C. Check it out for a better understanding of virtual field trips and how they can enhance student learning!

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