Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Social-Emotional Learning

Social and emotional learning is a process in which children and adults come together to develop an understanding of different emotions and how to manage those emotions, how to set and achieve desired goals, and create long-lasting relationships with others. Social emotional learning is more than just a daily lesson or an activity. It is an ongoing process that helps children learn how to create lasting relationships and manage their own behaviors. There are several characteristics involved in social and emotional learning. One characteristic is relationship skills. It is important for the child to have clear communication skills, active listening skills, and be able to cooperate with others in and out of the classroom. Another characteristic is the child's social awareness and their ability empathizes with other children. Children must be taught to accept each other even when they come from different cultures or more diverse backgrounds. We must teach students how to embrace their differences and that bullying of any sort will not be tolerated in any setting. Social and emotional learning also gives children the tools to safely manage stress and impulse control which ultimately leads to the child developing the motivation to set and achieve long-term goals. Goals are important to students because we want them to be able to achieve anything that they put their mind to as well as help them gain the tools and resources to do so.

Research on social and emotional learning in the classroom shows increases in both the child's overall performance and academic achievement. Research has also shown that social and emotional learning decreases school and classroom behavior issues, and early-onset mental health problems.

I have learned that social emotional learning and conscious discipline go hand in hand with early childhood education. It is important for students to learn appropriate social and emotional skills at a young age so that they can be better prepared for their future and to understand why certain behaviors are acceptable while others are not. Below, I have attached a video that highlights 5 keys to successful social-emotional learning and how to implement them with children.

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