Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Flipped Classroom

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I have learned how a flipped classroom approach benefits students who do not have a parent at home available to help them with homework. Many students do not have a parent at home who can help with school work, but with this type of learning they should be able to complete assignments independently. Students can access the content at any time from home and revisit all of the material at any given time. I believe that the flipped classroom compliments traditional teaching well and is a great way to give students more time for hands-on learning and assessment during class time. I can’t wait to use it in my future classroom! The video below shows exactly what a flipped classroom looks like and gives some tips on how to use this model realistically with students.

The flipped classroom model takes a traditional classroom model that is utilizing a gradual release of responsibility and flips it into a “you do, we do” modeled classroom. Flipped classrooms typically begin a lesson by introducing the topic to students while they are at home with the help of different web pages and videos online. The student will work through the content assigned on their own and write down notes and questions as they go. Then, once the students come to class, the teacher simply reviews the homework with the students and assists with questions instead of lecturing for the entire class time. This approach to learning leaves more time for the teacher to work individually with struggling students in class and allows time for more multisensory learning activities. There are pros and cons to every model, and the flipped classroom is no exception. Some pros of a flipped classroom are: an increase of student engagement by integrating technology, more time for class discussion, and students have access to assignments even when they are absent or if they need to revisit the information. A big con to flipped classrooms is that all students may not have access to reliable internet services outside of school and they may not have the self motivation to follow this classroom model.
Image result for flipped classroom

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