Friday, March 20, 2020

Quitting Time!

The Day the Crayons Quit 
Written by: Drew Daywalt      Illustrated by: Oliver Jeffers
Published by: Phiomel Books, 2013
Modern fantasy

One day while at school, Duncan went to take out his crayons and found a stack of letters addressed with his name. As he reads through the letters, Duncan comes to realize that all of his crayons have decided to quit! Gray Crayon is tired from coloring all of the big elephants and whales. Beige Crayon is tired of constantly being called light brown. And Yellow and Orange Crayon cannot agree of who is supposed to color in the sun. Will Duncan ever be able to make all of his crayons happy or will they leave him colorless?

The illustrations of this book are what make the story worthwhile! There is no traditional typed text in this story but rather pictures of letters written with crayon, appearing to be written by the crayons themselves. Their are also crative drawings appearing to be drawn by Duncan, that are used to show exactly what each crayon is tired of. The illustrations are lively and full of color which perfectly captures the imigination of a child with a box of crayons. 

One way this book could be used in a classroom would be to discuss the format for writing a letter with second graders. The teacher could use the crayons' letters to Duncan as examples and have the students write their own letter to their crayons using the letter styling they see within the book.  

Image result for the day the crayons quit

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